Ward County Greater Works, Inc. and the dba's of Ector County Greater Works, Midland county Greater Works and Monahans Kids Zone exist to relieve human suffering and assist with spiritual needs. We operate exclusively to receive and administer assets for charitable and educational purposes.
Ward County Greater Works Inc. started after accessing the need in Ward County for elderly and/or disabled individuals. It became apparent that these clients needed help, so we began to educate, advocate and navigate the opportunities for social services that were provided by local and state organizations. Many of our clients were food deprived with no means of getting food and there were no local service providers. In May of 2004 Ward County Greater Works, Inc. received 501c(3) status and began to meet these needs growing to Ector and Midland Counties.

People enjoy helping those in need but generally don't know how to do it. We provide the outlet for our community to serve the less fortunate. We strive not to duplicate services with other providers and have found that home delivery of food is a unique service we can provide to those who are home bound but can still prepare meals for themselves. Our biggest asset is our communities' involvement in grants, donations and volunteering. Our volunteers unload, sort, box and deliver food to our clients each month.
Greater Works serves three counties providing food and services to the elderly and/or disabled. In our operations in Ward County, Ector County, and Midland County serve over 2,000 people. Our clients receive a monthly box of 20 to 40 lbs of food. We also guide our clients who have other needs connect to other local service providers. When a service cannot be provided by others we try to meet the need if possible. Our services are vast, meeting needs not addressed by any other single agency. Our biggest asset is our communities’ involvement in donations and volunteering.